Friday, October 8, 2010

Five Simple Ways to Spread Happiness and Joy


  1. Call someone just to tell them thank you for something they did, the example they set, the way they treated you.
  2. Look wheelchair-bound, handicapped, and - well, everyone! - straight in the eye with a smile and say "Hello."
    • People often dismiss disabled people and will talk right over their heads to their companion or caretaker. It's so rude and demoralizing! 
    • Treat all people like people, and you'll spread happiness as well as setting a great example for others.
  3. When you get great service in a restaurant, write a little note to the server telling him or her what they did to make you feel welcome and special - and bump up the tip, too!
  4. Notice something special about everyone you encounter - and mention it! A great haircut, infectious laugh, great taste in clothing or jewelry, etc.
  5. Really listen to someone. When someone wants to talk or share something with you, go into ultra-attention mode and absorb every word they're saying as well as think about what they're saying.
      Tell yourself your job right now is to listen, not talk, solve, answer, debate.

Just listen, y'hear?
And Smile!

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