Saturday, July 10, 2010

Save Some Trees

One tree produces about 8,333 pieces of paper (sources: Dartmouth and Conserveatree).
Many businesses are reducing paper usage through Document Management Systems like those offered by Perceptive Software, EMC Documentation, Perceptive's ImageNow, FileHold, and so on.

Consider a happy, green environment - you can use document management to capture and warehouse most if not all of your personal and business documents and save time and money through reduction of paper, toner, equipment, rework, delay, lost documents, filing and retrieving, it's a long list.

Check out Google Docs, too. They even have Optical Character Recognition (OCR)now, where you can turn a scanned image or pdf into data. 

Save money + Save time + Save trees = Better World. 

Do it!

Email or tweet me if you want more links or some help finding good resources.

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